The most important part of any home at this time of year is having something that can keep it warm. Many homeowners are divided on what is the best kind of heater. Furnaces, heat pumps, and mini-splits all operate differently from one another. Here we will be talking about each type of heater to help you make your decision for a heater for your home in Granite City, IL.

Gas and Electric Furnaces
When you are going with a standard furnace there are two different options you can take, A gas furnace or an electric furnace. A gas furnace will burn gas for fuel to keep your home warm. While it is the more popular option of the two, it requires more attention and maintenance as a malfunctioning gas furnace can become a carbon monoxide leaking hazard. Since an electric furnace is not fueled on gas it does not have to be serviced nearly as much. Compared to gas furnaces, however, electric furnaces can be more costly. It is essential to weigh the positives of each when deciding on what kind of furnace to have installed in your Granite City, IL home.
Heat Pumps
A heat pump is a heating and cooling system which transfers the heat and cold from outside and uses it to regulate your home’s temperature. The energy exchange this is used by heat pumps makes them very energy efficient since they will be moving more energy than they are using. They are also an eco-friendly option for heating your home. They have a life span of around 15 years if you take proper care of them. Since they both heat and cool you will be using your heat pump all year long.

A ductless mini-split makes for a great heating option when you want to heat your home in zones. This is because you can have several mini-splits set up in your home producing the desired temperature in each area. As the name indicates, these heaters are also ductless. Not only do they heat your home, but they can also cool it down. Mini-splits do tend to be a more expensive option for a heater though and they can last for around 10-30 years.
Have any more questions about the different kinds of heaters or need a heater installed in your Granite City, IL home? Give our team of reputable HVAC technicians over at Heritage Heating and Cooling a call today!
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